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文章出处:华志专升本  责任编辑:浙江编辑 时间:2022-11-10
Part I Reading Comprehension(60 marks,60 minutes)Section A(每小题2分)
Format I
Directions:There are 4 passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.(40 marks)
Passage One
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
A quality education is the ultimate liberator.It can free people from poverty,giving them the power to greatly improve their lives and take a productive place in society.It can also free communities and countries,allowing them to leap forward into periods of wealth and social unity that otherwise would not be possible.For this reason,the international community has committed itself to getting all the world’s children into primary school by 2015,a commitment known as Education for All.
Can Education for All be achieved by 2015?The answer is definitely“yes”,although it is a difficult task.If we now measure the goal in terms of children successfully completing a minimum of five years of primary school,instead of just enrolling for classes,which used to be the measuring stick for education,the challenge will become even more difficult.Only 32 countries were formerly believed to be at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of enrollment rates.The number rises to 88 if completion rates are used as the standard.Still,the goal is achievable with the right policies and the right support from the international community.59 of the 88 countries at risk can reach universal primary completion by 2015 if they bring the efficiency and quality of their education systems into line with standards observed in higher-performing systems.They also need significant increases in
external(外部的)financing and technical support.The 29 countries lagging(落后)farthest behind will not reach the goal without unprecedented(空前的)rates of progress.But this is attainable with creative solutions,including the use of information technologies,flexible and targeted foreign aid,and fewer people living in poverty.
A key lesson of experience about what makes development effective is that a country’s capacity to use aid well depends heavily on its policies,institutions and management.Where a country scores well on these standards,foreign assistance can be highly effective.
1.It can be inferred from the passage that a quality education has the function of.
A.helping a country free from foreign rule
B.making people become wealthy
C.giving people more power and freedom
D.speeding up the progress of society
2.The goal of Education for All is.
A.to get all the children in the world to go to primary school by 2015
B.to let poor children have the same chances to go to school as rich ones
C.to support those countries determined to reform their education systems
D.to help the poor countries improve productivity and achieve unity
3.What used to be the standard of measuring a country’s education?
A.The rate of pupils being admitted by high school.
B.The percentage of children enrolling for classes.
C.The rate of school children who successfully passed the required courses.
D.The percentage of children who successfully completed primary school.
4.Which of the following will help achieve the goal of Education for All?
A.Setting up more primary schools in poor regions.
B.Establishing higher-performing education systems.
C.Taking advantage of information technologies.
D.Significantly increasing the national financing.
5.The efficiency of using foreign aid is mostly determined by.
A.the government’s policies and management
B.the country’s wealth and economy
C.people’s awareness of developing education
D.students’performance in school exams
Passage Two
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:
This Thanksgiving,many families are closer than they’ve been in years.An increasing number of extended families across the USA are under the same roof living together.These arrangements are multigenerational,with adult children,grandchildren or an elderly parent sharing quarters.The reasons are economic and social.
“This is a pattern that will continue,”predicts Neil Howe,a historian and economist.“High rates of multigenerational family living had been a norm until after World War II,when the emphasis shifted to the nuclear family enabled by construction of interstate highways,the rise of suburbs and the affluence(富裕)of young adults.
But by the late 1950s and 1970s,there was a generation gap and almost generation war,”Howe says.“There was
a time in the 1970s when no one wanted to live together.Seniors were moving to Leisure World to get away from the culture of the kids.Couples were divorcing and youngsters wanted to strike out on their own.But now,many young adults do return home,at least temporarily.”
Michele Beatty,54,of Waynesville,Ohio,and her husband,Cordon,56,had an empty nest between the time the youngest of their three sons went to college and the return of their oldest,Patrick,who left his job as a graphic designer.
“They said,‘you can come home to your old room and continue to look for employment,’”says Patrick Beatty,
28.“I was stuck there.We were all brought up with the cultural expectation that once you leave the nest,you are not supposed to return.I feel part of the time like a burden,”he says.“I try to contribute to the house when I can.I try to stay out of their way as much as possible.It’s home,but not the home I’d be building for myself if I had my way.”
A survey of 2,226 adults,done by Narris Interactive for the non-profit Generations United,found that of those in a multigenerational home,40%reported that job loss,changes in job status or unemployment was a reason for the living arrangement.
6.Which of the following arrangements is multigenerational in the USA?
A.Nuclear families.B.Extended families.
C.Single parent families.D.Families of seniors.
7.In the USA,multigenerational home is regarded as a norm.
A.between 1950s and 1970s B.before World War II
C.ever since 1950s D.until late 1970s
8.According to the writer,families are closer than before because.
A.interstate highways make going home easier
B.relatives tend to live close by in the suburbs
C.more people return home for holidays
D.family members now live together
9.What do the underlined words“strike out on their own”in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?
A.Develop a new relationship with their employers.
B.Get away from the culture of the kids.
C.Start to live an independent life.
D.Build their own houses.
10.How does Patrick Beatty feel about living with his parents?
Passage Three
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
Researchers at the University of Maryland’s School of Nursing found that 55 percent of the 2,103 female nurses they surveyed were obese(肥胖的),citing job stress and the effect on sleep of long,irregular work hours as the cause.
The study,which measured obesity using estimates of body mass index(体质指数),found that nursing schedules affected not only the health of the nurses but the quality of patient care.
“Health care professionals are often involved in providing advice or care to patients that relates to things that aren’t totally under control in their own lives.It’s not uniform for health care professionals to eat well or avoid tobacco,”said Dr.David Katz,the director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center.
Keith-Thomas Ayoob,associate professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine,said nurses are just as susceptible to health problems as the rest of society.
“Before we were health professionals,we were real people.Just because we became health professionals doesn’t mean we stopped being members of regular society with all the problems that go along with it.It illustrates that knowledge alone isn’t always enough to produce behavioral changes,”said Ayoob.
The same is true with smoking,Ayoob said.
“We all know smoking is bad.It doesn’t matter if you’re a doctor or a nurse or a plumber.You might assume that your interest in health would be higher if you were a health professional,but a lot of doctors and nurses smoke,”said Ayoob.
“Nurses need to understand the importance of taking care of themselves before patients or their families,”Ayoob said.
To combat the high obesity rate among nurses,Kihye Han,the author of the study,proposed more education on good sleep habits,and better strategies for adapting work schedules.She also called for napping at work to relieve sleep deprivation(睡眠不足),reduce fatigue and increase energy.
11.One of the causes of the high obesity rate among nurses is.
A.heavy smoking B.nursing schedules
C.less education D.unhealthy food
12.By saying“It’s not uniform for health care professionals to eat well or avoid tobacco”,Dr.David Katz wants to tell us.
A.health care professionals eat well
B.doctors and nurses usually don’t smoke
C.health care professionals wear different uniforms
D.doctors and nurses don’t necessarily have healthy behaviors
13.The underlined words“susceptible to”in Paragraph 4 probably mean.
A.easily influenced by B.closely connected with
C.highly sensitive to D.very doubtful about
14.It can be inferred from the passage that.
A.nurses need more professional training
B.nurses need some help to control weight
C.doctors don’t have obesity problems
D.doctors often give useless advice
15.What might be helpful to solve the problem of high obesity among nurses?
A.More sleep.B.Tighter schedule.
C.Higher income.D.More exercise.

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